When Quiet People Speak

Rachel D Adams
3 min readJun 29, 2020
Photo courtesy @unsplash by @benwhitephotography

Some people have a loud voice and others of us speak only when we need to. Those that speak when we need to speak, we’re cautious and sometimes we’re quiet, because we know speaking comes with consequences. Do you want to know why some people are quiet most of the time?

It’s never that they have nothing to say.

I’ve been asked for advice by people, only to have those people not take my advice and then stay mute in my life because they were embarrassed or even angry that I had been correct. I’m not someone that gets in anyone’s face and yells, “I told ya so!” I’m actually known for comforting those who have been dealt a bad hand in life. So when I am seemingly punished for providing an opinion that was requested of me, I think twice about speaking in the future.

I’ve said something to someone trying to be helpful, only to have them point out how wrong I am. Sometimes, these retorts are absolutely defensive and in other cases, they are simply dismissive. When people react in these ways to someone speaking to them, it devalues the speaker’s contribution. Since my input wasn’t well-received, I am cautious about providing it in the future.

I’ve said something trying to be sympathetic to pain, sickness, or an event and have had people scold me, saying I could never understand something or that they are experiencing something much…



Rachel D Adams

(she/her/pan) I’m not a well-behaved woman. I am an ally, amateur photog, content creator, novelist, empty nester, traveler, wife, & friend.